Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Found a great article :)

Accept the Inner Bitch

Disturbing trend I've noticed lately in the seduction community is people thinking they have gotten rid of the ego.

They think that they have completely removed their inner bitch, and are now only acting through their inner man. They call themselves "enlightened".

If you participate in internet seduction discussion, you still have an ego.

The day that:
1. I am completely present 100% if the time (95% doesn't cut it)
2. My life is completely aligned with my purpose, and the actions that I take while present are 100% aligned with my life.

Then I will say that I no longer have an ego. I will truly have empowered my inner man, the Inner bitch will no longer be an issue.

The problem with the inner bitch is that by it's very nature it has a number of tricky qualities that make it so hard to eliminate. It's self-deceptive, self-reinforcing, and it has a huge interest in self-preservation, which is why just when you think you've gotten rid of it completely, you'll realize that it has reappeared in another form.

Let's look at how this plays out in people who think they've become enlightened.

People began to be aware of their ego, they learn to be present, and stop having those judgemental thoughts.

But the inner bitch has an interest in self-preservation, it's not gonna let them get away that easily. It lies in wait, in the depths of your subconscious mind, waiting for its chance.

All it takes is one thought: "I am enlightened." and BOOM, the inner bitch will see its chance and strike. The inner bitch takes this thought and starts to build itself up again around this thought. Rather than getting validation from others, it will get validation from this concept of enlightment.

Once it takes hold, its self-reinforcing qualities help it grow big and strong again. Every time you see others judging people, it's seductive voice will whisper to you : "It's a good thing YOU don't do that, you're enlightened." Self deception at its best.

Every time someone tries to get into an argument with you, you remain cool. Your inner bitch whispers "You're above petty reactiveness, you're enlightened." Again, your inner bitch takes the concept and fucks with it... the thought of not being reactive causes you to be reactive.

Eventually your inner bitch starts to get stronger, and as it does, it gets more daring. Now it no longer has to whisper, it can direct you as it wishes. It can give you wonderful backwards rationalizations like: "I can really think whatever I want about people, because I'm enlightened, so it's not judging."

Notice that the iner bitch takes good concepts, but because they're coming from the wrong place, they are actually self defeating. If the inner bitch says it is non-judgemental, it causes judgement, if it thinks it's unreactive, it causes reactiveness. If it thinks it's enlightened, it causes ego.

The solution: Self Awareness and choice.

When you realize the inner bitch for what it is, it ceases to have power over you.

You need to accept the fact that you have an ego. Realize that it's going to be a long time before your inner bitch is gone, and have the self awareness to realize that it's still there.

Realize when your inner bitch is making all those seductive littler whispers to you, and CHOOSE to ignore them. Rather than thinking "I am enlightened", CHOOSE every second of every day to be enlightened. Discover what your inner man believes, what his values are, and CHOOSE to act through these. More in the coming months.

Senin, 20 Desember 2010

How could we know courage if we have never known fear

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010


We talk shit even though we don’t like people shit-talking us. We laugh at people but get mad when they laugh at us. We complain even though we’re complaining about how people always complain. We say we’ll never do this and that but end up doing it. We say we hate haters when we’re the ones hating our haters. We’re hypocrites and you know it.

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

Surrender is Beautiful

what is Surrender ??

its difficult to explain indeed, because word is very limited, okay give it try

surrender like a breath that doesnt stop, like a wealth is endless, like sincere love unconditionally.

define it even more difficult than even love

To some people surrender may have negative connotations implying defeat, giving up, failing to rise, and so on.

True surrender however is something entirely different, it doesnt mean to pasively put up with whatever situation you find yourself in and to do nothing about it.

surrender is to accept present moment unconditionally, without reservation, it is to relinguish inner resistance, no mental judgement, no negativity.

Surrender is a purely inner phenomenon. It doesnt mean that on the outer level you cannot take action and change the situation . in fact it is not the overall situation that you need to accept when you surrender, but just the tiny segment called the Now

for examples, when you want something and suddenly you forget about that thing but actually you dont forget at all , and it comes even with effortless ease

Little Definition about LOVE

the Highest Kind of Love. It is the kind of love that says,
"Your will for you is my will for you. I want for you what you want, I choose for you what you choose, because I am willing to allow you to be the determiner of what you believe will bring you happiness --- whether I agree with your choice or not.

And I will love you through all of it. Because that is what love is all about. Anybody can love you when you are being for them what they want. But who will love you when you are not?"

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

who is The Real God ?

The Real God is the God who dwells in the hearts of all those who know God --- by whatever name.